Monday, December 12, 2005

so the first un-happy tears have been shed over the wedding. very nice. i'm one of those classic cases of the dude being stuck between his mother and his... other woman - wife, girlfriend - what have you. fiancee. that, plus culture difference. phx wants a small wedding, mother thinks she's obliged to invite a bunch of ppl whom she knows, but phx doesnt. phx had a set idea of what things were gonna be like, and doesnt really want it any other way. i agreed with phx about keeping the expenses down, but since its turning out that our parents are gonna be paying for most of it all, if they wanna invite some more ppl, then why not. to me, its "the more - the merrier". to phx, she wants a small wedding. i'm easy going, and i guess i just didnt have a strong opinion about what its all gonna look like, so what do i care if there's more ppl - at least it would be a bigger wedding! :)
but i guess its a bit of a struggle of the wills here - phx and mother. i guess both are strong minded, but i guess mother ceded, since she noticed it was quite a big deal. i'm just thinking - what the fuck?! this isnt supposed to be a stressful thing. i'm going from one strong-willed woman to another, but their approaches to things are different. well, phx doesnt make me work in the garden yet :)
so i feel like smoking up, but dont wanna be an escapist, so i'm sitting here feeling pretty crummy. if i have a couple drinks, my head is gonna hurt tomorrow morning. my family and phx dont mesh too well. i guess she always feels outnumbered and stuff, but is not always easygoing, so she gets stressed out/pissed off, and then that puts tension on me, to mediate between her and the family. it was like that in spain, and here sometimes too i guess. its these people that are picky eaters, they're picky about more than just food. they dont like this and that, hard to bend their barriers, expand their horizons. in some respects. i dont know tho - i know a guy that doesnt like tomatoes, but he seems pretty lax about everything else. maybe its just girls then? my stupid bitch ex was pretty set in her ways too. maybe its me bringing these things out in my gf's? maybe i'm too open, easy going, or whatev? maybe used to getting my will bent, so i dont have very firm walls within which to brace up? phx just stormed around the bedroom, then into the can, and growled something about the typing noise keeping her awake. i just had to tell her to get some earplugs. guess maybe its better to vent a bit at a time than just go all out after the pressure is just too high. i donno, i dont think i blow up at people. maybe its the trait of a pussy. fuck, just when u think things are going awrite. well, i guess there's always gonna be shit blowing up in ur face. maybe i just gotta accept that and work on solving these things? channel my tension/pissed-offedness/whatever to solve a problem rather than just reacting to fire with fire? its kinda hard, and its tempting to just go off the deep end, but maybe i should act like the adult i unfortunately am forced to face that i am.


Krista said...

I didn't know you thought I didn't mesh well with your family. And I didn't know you'd told me to buy earplugs. I don't think I was being bull-headed... I was trying to reach a compromise, politely and respectfully. I didn't cry and rage at her or at you while we were there. And I really don't think you were in the middle at all. Or ever have been. I didn't talk to you--I talked to her. You didn't have anything to do with it. I think I handled myself well in presenting my side. Anyway, this is just going to bug me again so screw it. You let me know if you want the chapel and any of the reception places we've viewed. I know which I'd like, but it's up to you now.

I don't want this to be stressful anymore than you do--so far I've just been having FUN and getting things done. I had no idea your parents were expecting to invite a lot of other people. It was a bit of a shock.

Madamme said...

Okay, sorry guys. . .

But with being pregnant, Phx's hormones are going INSANE. That's strike one. Strike two is you're both trying to plan a wedding - Which is stressful enough without expecting a baby on top of it. And strike three, I know this is going to sound harsh, Tom, but YOU have to deal with your family, and you have to HAVE opinions on what you want for the wedding. If you want to have more people at the wedding, then you have to express that to Phx. If you agree with Phx and you want to have a small wedding, YOU have to talk to your mother about it. Especially if both your ladies are strong willed, it's best if you take an active part in the planning. After all, you're your mommy's baby, and if you express that you really want to have a small wedding, I don't see how she can deny you that. Or even if you just say that you and Phx have your heart set on that specific chapel, then perhaps invite only 80 to the ceremony and more to the reception.

I know it's tough, and I was a TOTAL bitch to Rally when we were planning our wedding while I was pregnant, but Phx will be happier and you in turn will be happier if you take some of the planning load of her shoulders and take an active part.

I know that looking at hall decorations can be somewhat mundane, and that you work long hours. . . But just think how much happier you'll both be when it's all over if you both get what you want, have a good time, and don't get into really big fights in the process.

Just something to think about.

P.S. We went to couples counselling, and it really helped. There we discovered that I am anal and detail oriented, and I want to do spread sheets for costs and things to do, and Rally more flew by the seat of his pants. Once we understood how the other operated in this kind of situation, everything got better, and we could accomodate each other more - Me by being less anal, and him by being more detailed. . . Just an idea.

supertomek said...

maybe i want my family to accept and embrace phx, and not view her as "different" or something like that, and maybe thats why i stress out when major interactions between them happen. i try to get everything to flow smoothly, make sure everyone is happy. thats my newest guess as to what i think is happening. and i know phx gets annoyed and upset when ppl around her dont speak english, and she is in a way excluded. and my parents sometimes do that. spain was just crazy in that way, and it really got to phx, and i had to try and deal with it. true - phx does exercise restraint on her part, and doesnt blow up when she feels like it, but on the other hand, i dont think i'd be even upset at some of those times. she gets upset with stuff i dont think i would. but maybe i'm wrong - i guess i'd have to experience it for myself.
with the amount of ppl invited to the wedding, the way i remember it is phx and i didnt wanna spend a lot of money, so we thought we'd try and keep the numbers down. when we agreed that we liked the little chapel, i just thought that if we end up getting more ppl than can fit in tyhere then they can stand outside, or we can tell ppl that there's limited space in the hapel so they dont really have to come to the chapel if they dont want to. but then it turned out that our parents would be taking most of the cost for the wedding, and when my mom seemed to really think that all these ppl have to be invited, i just made sure that phx's parents wouldnt be burdened with the cost. other than that, i guess i didnt mind having more ppl at my wedding. but i guess phx felt like she was completely overruled without being consulted, and that made her put on the brakes.
i'm glad i tried to talk about it quite a few times, because i think it helped me understand much better where phx was coming from, and i'm glad that phx was able to talk to my mom about it all in a calm and responsible manner, even bringing a suggestion to the table. i'm sorry the whole thing happened, but i think it's turning out well. hope we are able to learn from our problems, and learn to solve the ones that arise better. thats probably the most important ting right now - to be able to solve problems well, because problems will always be there, hopefully less with time, but something will always pop up, and i just hope both the nature and the nurture parts of us equip us with more co-operative than confrontational tendencies, or just whatever predispositions that would just make life easier.

shenry said...

I'm telling you the same thing I told phx: all wedding I have attended eventually became stressfully complicated endeavors, despite the bride and groom promising each other to keep things happy and simple.

Submit to the idea that this is going to be stressful. You're stuck between two women that you love. Can you make them both happy with everything? Will you have to choose sides? Is it easier just to piss them both off so you don't have to choose sides? I do not envy you. Both sides, phx and mom, may try to leverage you.