Friday, December 02, 2005

for those of u who dont read my fiancee's blog... thats right - i'm engaged! :)
AND i'm gonna be a dad! :D
but before that i'm gonna be a husband :)
and before that i'm gonna get my bibi an engagement ring. and i guess thats what i'm working at these days. i'm hooking up a dude with all kinds of security goodies for his jewellery warehouse, actualy just installing them, and he's gonna hook us up with a nice engagement ring at cost or below. but until that gloroius day, i'm gonna werk like until midnight every nite it seems, then get up at 6:30 am and go to werk...
but every now and then i think about how i'm gonna be a daddy, and a husband, and my heart lightens up :)
ok - i keep falling asleep in front of the comp. i think its time to hit the hay.

congrats welcome! :)


1 comment:

shenry said...

see, that's the kind of post I was looking for.

You'll be a good father. Congrats.