Monday, February 12, 2001

thinking, reality, evolution

here's an excerpt of some stuff i 'd briefly mused about once upon a time, that i find interesting :)

so "nobility" could be described as "do unto others as you'd have done to you (especially if you were in the " others' " position)". it'd be ql to be like in a bunch of little groups and clubs, but globally. the biggest one would be making sure of the survival of the race. then you have the groups whose idea of the "race" differs froim other groups'. (then again, there's no guarantee that a goal should be reached (looking at it objectively), just because a group of people think so. maybe that group of people are all wrong, and that's what they have in common. it's their common flaw.) you have groups who have goals that indirectly, or even directly oppose each other. people have different ideas about different stuff. their particular experiences and "thinking" processes necessarily (?) differ. even if we all did co-operate in some utopian reality - to what end? to just live happily ever after. "our goal is our best self interest". or maybe "the continuation of us" would be more basic. that's some pretty depressing shit. why is it depressing. what kind of a "behaviour-thingy" is that - depression? what's it's purpose? some built-in flaw? can we survive it? if so, how long is it gonna take us to get rid of it completely? will we ever? probably not. i suppose there's some value in keeping at least a trace of even the weirdest "stuff", in case it may one day come in handy. should we try and consciously wipe out these "bad" values, traits, etc? but then, how far can you trust our logic? how can you know what you don't know? the remote possibility that a situation may come where depression will prove key to our survival. why am i citing survival as the utmost goal? for some reason it feels "cheap", or shallow or something. so again, it looks like everything is stupid, hopeless, and there's no way of knowing what's true and what's not, what's really important and what just seems so, who is right and who is wrong. i guess individuals with doubts as to the importance of the survival of their species are the species' weak link, and may eventually go into relative extinction. is there a reason why we die? how much truth is there to the life longevity in the bible early humans? on one hand it seems weird (among other adjectives) to design a life form that would "have" to fail in so many years or before, with all kinds of possible variations as in everything. why can't we keep healing and living? but again - with what purpose? maybe with the same one as lots of people live today - to amuse yourself.