Friday, December 16, 2005

is marijuana prohibition any different than the old alcohol prohibition?

just got to thunking, is all. i dont think its very different, except perhaps for the length of duration. also got to thunking that if "fighting" the prohibition doesnt seem to be doing much good right now, then probably if things simply continue developing in terms of cannabis' popularity, there will be no one to prosecute in a generation, because the majority of the north american population will be smoking at home and with friends by then. just hope marc emery doesnt have to wait that long...


shenry said...

I totally agree with the augmentative parallels between alcohol prohibition and illicit pot. Furthermore, when I compare the detrimental effects of weed and alcohol... weed is the least of the two "evils." (Not that either are "evil"; I'm just using an idiom.)

moi said...

I have never understood the big deal with maryj, anyway. There are incredible studies proving that alcohol actually impares you on a deeper level than any pot does.

plus, think of all the revenue the gov't could generate!