Tuesday, December 06, 2005

feelin' a'ight :)

maybe cause i only worked like 3.5 hours at my side job tonight, with no precipitation, and hardly any cold. poor phx is not feeling very well these days, feeling so tired, nauseous, puking, not eating much, head aching... i wish i could do something to help her with it... but she endures it all, because it is our baby... i feel so grateful for her, and i know she will be a great mommy and wife :)
its still such a novel idea, but i guess nothing will really change, other than the formality. well, with the baby there will be changes. but somehow, since finding out she's pregnant and then asking her to marry me, seems to me like my love for her got a boost, got rejuvenated. i'm very glad this is all happening :) i guess i kinda wish we had a bit more time, but what the hey - its all that much more exciting :)

i love my babies! :)


Krista said...

(hug) and we love you too! (speaking on behalf of the little bean of course)

I'm grateful to you for how hard you work at all these jobs... all the long hours and you still get up early every morning and head out the door to work again.

I love you. :*

supertomek said...

i love you too, bibi :)
