Sunday, September 20, 2009

my little girl's very first compound curse :)

i forget what i was doing, but i was at the dining table, phx was at the laptop, and LB was in the hallway - from where we heard her say "I can't get off my fucking shit sock!"
we're like "whaat?" to which LB repeated the aforementioned obscenity. it was shocking, and we wanted to laugh, kinda, but i dont think we did. phx helped LB get her sock off, and we figured we really gotta curb my, er, our cursing again.
which brings me to asking again - what's wrong with cursing? what happened, somewhere along the line, that has made some words "Bad"? this seems to have occurred in most human cultures - but why? like - what the fuck?


meznor said...


Oh man... I remember the first and only time I ever swore in front of my mother. She guilted me so badly that I didn't swear - AT ALL - until I went away for university.

I think swearing can have very useful insertions into lyrics and writing, and even everyday speech. Teaching kids not to swear isn't so much about swearing as much as it's about control and discipline, I think. And stupid society that will judge the parents if they hear a kid swear. That's probably why my mom was so hard on me - 'cos she didn't want herself to look bad.

supertomek said...

i was taught that it is a sin to swear, and my mom never swore, but my dad sometimes did. the one time i swore in front of my mom i was 12 and yelling: "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" jumping onto the couch to get to my cousin standing not far past her. she slapped me, stopping me dead in my tracks.
he's still a fucking cunt and deserves to die :)

shenry said...

Sweet. Nurture that skill. Teach her how to spice up her compounded curses with venereal diseases and random anatomical terms. The problem with kids these days is they lack imagination when it comes to cussing. Don't let LB fall into the same trap.

Cassidy Rae said...

LOL I remember my first curse word!

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