Friday, February 02, 2007

finished listening to "a scanner darkly" by philip k dick - wild ride, but somewhat somber. especially when in the epilogue the author divulges that some of the characters were based on some friends of his, then talks about how he and people he hung out with during the 60's all did a lot of drugs, then started realising how it was fucking them up, and how reluctant they were to stop. he concludes with a list of his friends that ended up committing suicide, and/or suffering irreversible brain/nervous sytem damage.
now i'm listening to "the man in the high castle" - so far its pretty cool.

bought a Saltskär bafroom cabinet at ikea - i thaught it had a cool pattern on the glass, so it wasnt all frosted, but kinda looked like, i donno - cool. for some reason i thought a few times what the pattern looked like - and i was drifting somewhere around the idea of broken up ice like on a river or lake, but still covered with snow. i mounted the damn thing, later had a shower, and as i dried myself off glancing at it, it finally dawned on me that it must be a city map! there's a few places in sweden named Saltskär, but most of them have no roads, and none of them seem to match up with this map. yes, i looked obsessively. for 2 days. not much of an obsession i guess. but i still wonder. maybe i should just give up and follow phx' advice and just email the designers and get it right from the source.


shenry said...

I like the cabinet quite a bit. You have a good eye for decorating... at least I think so.

And, I'd say two days of research does border on obsessive... but not unhealthy obsessive, just mildly obsessive.

supertomek said...

well, it wasnt 2 solid days of research, but a few hours of each day. but i gave up. just gotta rem to email the designers.

shenry said...

hey, I just the movie A Scanner Darkly... I'd have to read the book to make a solid conclusion, because I have the distinct feeling that there was something critical missing from the movie... something that, hopefully, is covered in the book.

supertomek said...

yeah, i just discovered yesterday that the movie even exists - with winona ryder and keanu reeves in it, rotoscoped by the dude that did "waking life" - so psyched to see it :)
hmmm, the blurb on wikipedia said that only some of the dialogue was altered. well, no other recourse now than to just read the book, eh? or listen to the audio version. :)