Saturday, January 27, 2007

...then again, i just watched blade runner, and i'm guessing it was the first time i watched it straight, because i think i finally got it, and liked it, and found out where this sound byte from one of paul oakenfold's albums is (just before the "piledriver" i think), and it turns out the movie was based on philip k dick's "do androids dream of electric sheep?"

and in other news, i'm thinking that if humanity survives long enough, with enough ppl living at once, we'll end up having all the possible human conditions occurring somewhere around the world, at once. if its possible - it will eventually happen. no matter if its right or wrong. nature doesnt have a moral code. so we can look forward to wellbeing increasing together with suffering. there will be more crime, because there will be more people. but there will also be more people living well. but then there's economy. depleting resources. that'll tip the balances in favor of suffering.

bah, its 4:20. am. i should really get to sleep.


shenry said...

I should really look into Philip K Dick novels. I've only heard good things about his work.

It's 4:20? Isn't that universal get-stoned time?

supertomek said...

pkd - blade runner is cool. this story i'm listening to right now - "a scanner darkly" - pretty cool. but i saw a movie about pkd - and it sounded like he had a bunch of psychological problems. but it looks like he wrote cool stuff. so...

nobody got stoned at that time :)
it was 4:20 am
which shouldnt really make that much of a difference.

man, what am i babbling about?