Tuesday, August 15, 2006

ah, the joys of daddyhood :)
just spent my first (nearly) sleepless night for my boogie :)
first i was researching whether its ok for babies to drink cows' milk - turns out they cant process the protein very well, and it has to be broken down. basically all websites now seem to be saying that baby formula making is so strictly regulated that it is impossible to ever achieve the quality that commercially available formula have, if u were to try and make ur own at home, so dont even try! that just sounds wrong. even if it is true. so other than mother's milk, you have to pay for a chemical soup for you baby, and it is unconscionable to do anything else. phx and her bro's were raised on home-made formula. i know ur not supposed to apostrophesizeate "bro's" but i felt it should be made immediately visually clear that "bro" is the root of the word, and then its just a small step for man to jump to the conclusion that its an abbrev of "brother". and thats right - period after quotation mark, because the period wasnt part of the quote. other than that, i got very lazy about putting apostrophes where they belong, if the meaning is clear. i didnt stop using them because i didnt know where they go. went. omg, torture... hehe, where's the verb in that one, eh? ha! and i used an apostrophe! maybe i just delude myself that there's reason to my apostrophe madness.
our boogie is breastfed, but recently she's been wanting to eat a lot more, it seems. this seems to have coincided with a new feeding regimen recommended by a lactation specialist we went to the other day. maybe the new regimen fucked it all up. how are we to know? everybody and their fucken dog seems to have a different theory about baby feeding.
so boogie woke me up around 3 something this morning. maybe it was around 4. phx fed her according to the new regimen - still hungry. i burped her while phx expressed a bit more, then we fed her that - still hungry. i warmed her up some milk we had stored from last nite - still hungry. phx and her mom bought the ingredients to make home made formula tomorrow - but we needed it right now! who knew. so daddy put on his shirt and shorts, because his full length pants were in the bedroom where phx' mom sleeps, and scooted off to the local 7-11. they only had one kind of formula. scoot home, prep it, feed boogie - finally she got so drunk that while walking her around to relieve her obvious need for burping, she passed out. daddy was so happy :) happy are the parents whose child finally falls asleep content :)
look at me - blogging away about baby stuff - how things have changed :)

1 comment:

shenry said...

Your introspective ramblings about punctuation tendencies walks a fine line between madness and genius. I was oddly enthralled by that tangent.

Anyway, congrats on getting the tyke to sleep again.