Tuesday, March 07, 2006

CFA Solutions

went to help out a buddy today at the site he runs, and i guess he's somewhat frustrated with the way the company runs, especially at this point, when his building has to be ready for the occupancy readiness inspection, and he's not ready, in part due to the company. at any rate, we were hard at work at the local coffee shop, when phx calls me from her commute from her day-job to her tutelage-job, and got increasingly annoyed at the traffic while on the phone with me, producing ever more colorful expletives. i dont know, but somehow i thought at that moment that it was cute the way she cursed, maybe a good choice of words. at any rate, one particular "bouquet" stuck in my mind, and i told the guys how my baby just called her current traffic jam situ a "cluster-fuck of assholes" :D
to which my buddy responded that THAT is what our company should be named! that was funny :) i should get started on making a logo :) have t-shirts, put the logo on soup cans, cd's, what have you :)


shenry said...

what would a such a logo look like? Let us imagine...

...and now Imust gouge my eyeballs out.

supertomek said...

well, i was thunking something more along the lines of just having a logo built around the actual name, but i guess i could find somewhere a pic of a penis half-way into an asshole, and then just multiply it a dozen times or so :)