finally got the timing belt off - now for the water pump! :D
then try to recombobulate ebryting back together - wonder how long thats gonna take...
i already know i messed up the grooves on the crankshaft pulley with the friggin' chain-wrench - so i'll have to fix that up before putting it back on. hope it can be done w/o having to buy a new one.
i wonder how many ppl are blogging about the Baslan massacre today. sad day. and this shit happens all over the world regularly. i wonder how this is going to affect things are in russia. i heard on tv and agree that russia is going to invest even more in the military, and even more money is going to be pulled away from everything else. so a poorer, more militarised russia? this cant be good. there's probably gonna be a lot of attacks on innocent muslims and even "darker looking" russians. and all because of a handful of desperate, misguided, stupid people. i imagine they all felt justified in what they were doing. their families have probably been severily hurt and decimated by the russian - chechen conflict. they've likely lost children of their own. but they should have been smarter than that. they should have understood that no one in their right mind will release people from jail who will create even more grief the first chance they get. holding children hostage will only make u more enemies. whatever faith they are - their god is supposed to be a merciful god, who does not condone violence. armed conflict does not solve anything - unless maybe if ur an overwhelmingly huge army that will effortlessly thwart their enemy - but even then... usually change takes time. but if ur impatient and arrogant - then maybe you should be killed before u do anybody any harm.
i'm just ranting. but i guess i'm a bit shocked. in times like this i just try to think that even though horrible things like this happen - humanity just keeps ploughing ahead. we should all do our part and try to make this world better for our kids and their kids - but when shit happens, i guess we cant let it stop us. emotions are such a detriment so often. ppl pay great attention to how they're feeling. i bet that's the single biggest reason for drug addiction. including alcoholism. and cigarettes. possibly coffee. and sugar. chocolate probably forming part of it.
did i mention that i hate stupid people? cant really kill'em tho - might as well make them work and make my life a little more comfortable. i think i can see society clearly separating in the future into 2 classes - stupids and smarts. i wonder if eventually we'll become 2 species...
well - there's smarts and smarts. but i guess there's been an upper class of ppl for a long time - all the old dynasties and noble families - they've been having poor people work for them for generations upon generations. if ur family stays consistently at a standard of living higher than the average, *especially* in the face of adversity - then i'd say chances are good that ur DNA is predisposed for that higher standard of living, above the average human. is it gonna get to the point where we're like the alien civilisation from "alien nation" - i forget what species they were supposed to be. maybe even more so. like humans and monkeys.
i'm yawning something fierce here - maybe i should hit the hays already..? but i still wanna take out that water pump - that shouldnt be that hard - i just have to do it. and then shower. and THEN hit the sack.
well - best git on it :)