Monday, November 05, 2012

the matrix is forever struggling to make energy collection from "human farms" as efficient as possible.
in a relatively recent trend, as a means to increase the human energy yields, factors have been introduced to force higher neural activity in humans by increasing their workloads. this has led to increases in "multitasking", which was predicted. what was NOT predicted was that multitasking would translate into only minimal increases in productivity and yield, and in many cases actually proves to be a hinderance.
ironically enough, the deffinitive statement on this about the nature of "multitasking" comes from one of the human livestock:"multitasking means speanding 15% of your time on this, 10% on that, 15% on something else, and then the remaining 60% on something else, all of these"tasks" have not "moved" very much because you cant do 50% here, 50% here, and 50% there because that would make 150%

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