turns out that the universe as a readout idea has already been thought of - like when i was a year old. i was just listening to the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy when it dawned on me - that's my idea!
but hey - life keeps moving on.
ok - time for beddy
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
the week just keeps getting better :)
granted - monday sucked. but tuesday was deffinitely better - and now at the end of wednesday i'm really happy :)
just got back home from watching the old Dune movie at my parents'. and my gf liked it! :D
hella cool :)
i just need to find the looong version somewhere, on dvd if i can. i'm already asking my gf if she wants to see the remake and then the children of dune.
its been a while since i first saw that movie in its entirety - on acid :)
that same night i also saw the new version. and i've seen the old version a few times since, and it still reveals something new to me every time i see it. i think i'd give partial credit for liking the movie to acid's "awe and wonder" effect, but every time i've seen it after (straight), that's only been reinforced. one day i've got to find the time to read the book - there must be so much more in there than even the "looong" version of the movie is able to convey! hehe - i wonder if there's a version of it on tape or cd somewhere...
i used to read so much, i loved it! but since i started working - there's just been no time. working and partying. and watching tv. and got a car. and loans. and a gf. now i dont even have time to party. hardly ever at all. and the only reading i ever do is online. or tech manuals.
whine whine - bitch bitch.
this really cool portuguese guy Antonio who's about 50 sometimes starts talking about his problems, like many other people, but then he stops himself and says "ah, but thats my problems - u dont need to hear about that". and one time he threw in "in my language we say 'but lets talk about better things. so whats the price of a funeral these days?'" dude's hilarious. he'd recently moved here with his wife and 2 kids pursuing a dream, an adventure - to live in the beautiful experiment in true multiculturalism that canada is. but its tough to start from scratch. at 50. but he's glad he's pursuing his dream - despite their difficulties and disillusions. a runaway mid-life crisis? perhaps - but what an effect! what an adventure! and he can still decide to go back home if things dont work out here. and he will be that much richer a person. very interesting and inspiring dude to listen to.
ok - time for beddy ;)
just got back home from watching the old Dune movie at my parents'. and my gf liked it! :D
hella cool :)
i just need to find the looong version somewhere, on dvd if i can. i'm already asking my gf if she wants to see the remake and then the children of dune.
its been a while since i first saw that movie in its entirety - on acid :)
that same night i also saw the new version. and i've seen the old version a few times since, and it still reveals something new to me every time i see it. i think i'd give partial credit for liking the movie to acid's "awe and wonder" effect, but every time i've seen it after (straight), that's only been reinforced. one day i've got to find the time to read the book - there must be so much more in there than even the "looong" version of the movie is able to convey! hehe - i wonder if there's a version of it on tape or cd somewhere...
i used to read so much, i loved it! but since i started working - there's just been no time. working and partying. and watching tv. and got a car. and loans. and a gf. now i dont even have time to party. hardly ever at all. and the only reading i ever do is online. or tech manuals.
whine whine - bitch bitch.
this really cool portuguese guy Antonio who's about 50 sometimes starts talking about his problems, like many other people, but then he stops himself and says "ah, but thats my problems - u dont need to hear about that". and one time he threw in "in my language we say 'but lets talk about better things. so whats the price of a funeral these days?'" dude's hilarious. he'd recently moved here with his wife and 2 kids pursuing a dream, an adventure - to live in the beautiful experiment in true multiculturalism that canada is. but its tough to start from scratch. at 50. but he's glad he's pursuing his dream - despite their difficulties and disillusions. a runaway mid-life crisis? perhaps - but what an effect! what an adventure! and he can still decide to go back home if things dont work out here. and he will be that much richer a person. very interesting and inspiring dude to listen to.
ok - time for beddy ;)
Sunday, November 14, 2004
so it turns out it WAS pms after all. my gf got her period 2 days ago - brutal. and i can tell she still tries NOT to take midol and in the middle of being in pain she said that she would still not go on the pill to regulate and ease her menstruation. its her zero-drug upbringing.
we havent really talked about the letter she left me - the one about how we wont continue together if i decide to keep using drugs. what a dirty sounding phrase. pot and acid / shrooms. and i havent even done acid or shrooms for ever. cant find acid anywhere and shrooms i've had very disappointing results with.
well - time to go and get my sweetie her breakfast - at least she is eating something :)
we havent really talked about the letter she left me - the one about how we wont continue together if i decide to keep using drugs. what a dirty sounding phrase. pot and acid / shrooms. and i havent even done acid or shrooms for ever. cant find acid anywhere and shrooms i've had very disappointing results with.
well - time to go and get my sweetie her breakfast - at least she is eating something :)
Thursday, October 28, 2004
happy work
i need to completely change my relationship with work. presently i friggin hate going to work. perhaps i was raised like that - grew up with the understanding of work as some sort of a chore, worse than most chores because u must do it all the time and under fairly strict rules. but it'd just occurred to me, while i was having a shower, that, to someone doing some other sort of work, my job might seem pretty cool. installing a whole access control system into a tower, actually 2! and all the alarms. i get to do a lot of the planning - its up to me how its gonna go! and then at the end of it all i get to see people using it all the time, and this big, complicated system works - and i installed it! :D the bitch is the time constraints - the boss wants to maximize profits, and so he's also cheap in very annoying ways. but fuck him - i think it will be good for me to start taking pride in my work - i'll make sure everything is as good as it can be, and will work awesome :) unfortunately these cheap cunts wanna spend the absolute minimum amount of money possible - but i gotta keep pushin my way. and maybe if they like how well i get things done, then maybe they'l allow me a little extra freedom, maybe they'll spend a little more money on my projects... and if not then i'll just take lots of pix of my work and have a portfolio to show prospective future employers :)
and it should simply make me feel better about going to work every day - i'll be psyched to get there and make every day a work of art, a labour of love... :)
man - i didnt think it was possible to write so tenderly about work :D
i am a sick pervert - getting this excited about work :P
and it should simply make me feel better about going to work every day - i'll be psyched to get there and make every day a work of art, a labour of love... :)
man - i didnt think it was possible to write so tenderly about work :D
i am a sick pervert - getting this excited about work :P
Monday, September 06, 2004
Sunday, September 05, 2004
riiiight - just take the water pump off...
*grumble grumble*
to take the water pump off u must take the alternator off - check section 10 or whatev. so i go there, find it and it says - to take alternator off, u must take the power steering out! ok - that p'd me off a wee bit. many hours later i finally took off both. then it turned out i had to take the tensioner pulley bracket off too. but not before i tried hard to pry the stupid pump off - to no avail. the tensioner bracket had a bolt hidden underneath. well- i finally did manage to get the waterpump off - hope that was the only problem, although i know it is not likely :(
ok - now to bed i said! :D

the talon - being gutted out
*grumble grumble*
to take the water pump off u must take the alternator off - check section 10 or whatev. so i go there, find it and it says - to take alternator off, u must take the power steering out! ok - that p'd me off a wee bit. many hours later i finally took off both. then it turned out i had to take the tensioner pulley bracket off too. but not before i tried hard to pry the stupid pump off - to no avail. the tensioner bracket had a bolt hidden underneath. well- i finally did manage to get the waterpump off - hope that was the only problem, although i know it is not likely :(
ok - now to bed i said! :D

the talon - being gutted out
Saturday, September 04, 2004
still wrenching... :)
finally got the timing belt off - now for the water pump! :D
then try to recombobulate ebryting back together - wonder how long thats gonna take...
i already know i messed up the grooves on the crankshaft pulley with the friggin' chain-wrench - so i'll have to fix that up before putting it back on. hope it can be done w/o having to buy a new one.
i wonder how many ppl are blogging about the Baslan massacre today. sad day. and this shit happens all over the world regularly. i wonder how this is going to affect things are in russia. i heard on tv and agree that russia is going to invest even more in the military, and even more money is going to be pulled away from everything else. so a poorer, more militarised russia? this cant be good. there's probably gonna be a lot of attacks on innocent muslims and even "darker looking" russians. and all because of a handful of desperate, misguided, stupid people. i imagine they all felt justified in what they were doing. their families have probably been severily hurt and decimated by the russian - chechen conflict. they've likely lost children of their own. but they should have been smarter than that. they should have understood that no one in their right mind will release people from jail who will create even more grief the first chance they get. holding children hostage will only make u more enemies. whatever faith they are - their god is supposed to be a merciful god, who does not condone violence. armed conflict does not solve anything - unless maybe if ur an overwhelmingly huge army that will effortlessly thwart their enemy - but even then... usually change takes time. but if ur impatient and arrogant - then maybe you should be killed before u do anybody any harm.
i'm just ranting. but i guess i'm a bit shocked. in times like this i just try to think that even though horrible things like this happen - humanity just keeps ploughing ahead. we should all do our part and try to make this world better for our kids and their kids - but when shit happens, i guess we cant let it stop us. emotions are such a detriment so often. ppl pay great attention to how they're feeling. i bet that's the single biggest reason for drug addiction. including alcoholism. and cigarettes. possibly coffee. and sugar. chocolate probably forming part of it.
did i mention that i hate stupid people? cant really kill'em tho - might as well make them work and make my life a little more comfortable. i think i can see society clearly separating in the future into 2 classes - stupids and smarts. i wonder if eventually we'll become 2 species...
well - there's smarts and smarts. but i guess there's been an upper class of ppl for a long time - all the old dynasties and noble families - they've been having poor people work for them for generations upon generations. if ur family stays consistently at a standard of living higher than the average, *especially* in the face of adversity - then i'd say chances are good that ur DNA is predisposed for that higher standard of living, above the average human. is it gonna get to the point where we're like the alien civilisation from "alien nation" - i forget what species they were supposed to be. maybe even more so. like humans and monkeys.
i'm yawning something fierce here - maybe i should hit the hays already..? but i still wanna take out that water pump - that shouldnt be that hard - i just have to do it. and then shower. and THEN hit the sack.
well - best git on it :)
then try to recombobulate ebryting back together - wonder how long thats gonna take...
i already know i messed up the grooves on the crankshaft pulley with the friggin' chain-wrench - so i'll have to fix that up before putting it back on. hope it can be done w/o having to buy a new one.
i wonder how many ppl are blogging about the Baslan massacre today. sad day. and this shit happens all over the world regularly. i wonder how this is going to affect things are in russia. i heard on tv and agree that russia is going to invest even more in the military, and even more money is going to be pulled away from everything else. so a poorer, more militarised russia? this cant be good. there's probably gonna be a lot of attacks on innocent muslims and even "darker looking" russians. and all because of a handful of desperate, misguided, stupid people. i imagine they all felt justified in what they were doing. their families have probably been severily hurt and decimated by the russian - chechen conflict. they've likely lost children of their own. but they should have been smarter than that. they should have understood that no one in their right mind will release people from jail who will create even more grief the first chance they get. holding children hostage will only make u more enemies. whatever faith they are - their god is supposed to be a merciful god, who does not condone violence. armed conflict does not solve anything - unless maybe if ur an overwhelmingly huge army that will effortlessly thwart their enemy - but even then... usually change takes time. but if ur impatient and arrogant - then maybe you should be killed before u do anybody any harm.
i'm just ranting. but i guess i'm a bit shocked. in times like this i just try to think that even though horrible things like this happen - humanity just keeps ploughing ahead. we should all do our part and try to make this world better for our kids and their kids - but when shit happens, i guess we cant let it stop us. emotions are such a detriment so often. ppl pay great attention to how they're feeling. i bet that's the single biggest reason for drug addiction. including alcoholism. and cigarettes. possibly coffee. and sugar. chocolate probably forming part of it.
did i mention that i hate stupid people? cant really kill'em tho - might as well make them work and make my life a little more comfortable. i think i can see society clearly separating in the future into 2 classes - stupids and smarts. i wonder if eventually we'll become 2 species...
well - there's smarts and smarts. but i guess there's been an upper class of ppl for a long time - all the old dynasties and noble families - they've been having poor people work for them for generations upon generations. if ur family stays consistently at a standard of living higher than the average, *especially* in the face of adversity - then i'd say chances are good that ur DNA is predisposed for that higher standard of living, above the average human. is it gonna get to the point where we're like the alien civilisation from "alien nation" - i forget what species they were supposed to be. maybe even more so. like humans and monkeys.
i'm yawning something fierce here - maybe i should hit the hays already..? but i still wanna take out that water pump - that shouldnt be that hard - i just have to do it. and then shower. and THEN hit the sack.
well - best git on it :)
*still* wrenching on the car again...
the crankshaft pulley bolt wont come off - cant turn it! :(
i've been dousing it with WD-40 , then this liquid wrench wanna be whatchacallit. for some reason the instructions said to take one of the engine mounts off and THEN try to get that friggin crankshaft bolt off - well - the whole engine moves! so - back on the mount goes.
i got a digital camera! :D tooo sweet! :D bought it from my friend marcin for $65 just the other day - i rike it a rot! :D
goin' be postin' me sum pitchers n'this here blawg perty soon! :D
but first i gotta find out from my gf how its done :D
ok - back to the car.
but i'm happy i've already cleaned up so much today! :)
ok - before all this happiness goes - i best git to it now :)
i've been dousing it with WD-40 , then this liquid wrench wanna be whatchacallit. for some reason the instructions said to take one of the engine mounts off and THEN try to get that friggin crankshaft bolt off - well - the whole engine moves! so - back on the mount goes.
i got a digital camera! :D tooo sweet! :D bought it from my friend marcin for $65 just the other day - i rike it a rot! :D
goin' be postin' me sum pitchers n'this here blawg perty soon! :D
but first i gotta find out from my gf how its done :D
ok - back to the car.
but i'm happy i've already cleaned up so much today! :)
ok - before all this happiness goes - i best git to it now :)
Saturday, August 28, 2004
wrenching on the car again...
or trying not too :)
feeling slightly apprehensive about making sure the #1 piston is at TDC, taking off the left engine mount while making sure the engine is supported by "something" from underneath that at the same time wont damage the oil pan, then discombobulating ebryting on the LHS of the engine - including all the pulleys and timing belt cover, which will include using the mysterious chain wrench to hold the crankshaft pulley while i loosen the bolt that holds it in place - all the while making sure i dont actually move the cranshaft from TDC, taking the timing belt off - to finally get to take out the water pump which i *think* is where my water leak is at. then put on the new timing belt, re-combobulate ebryting and hope to hell it all works afterwards. THEN i'll see if the elusive oil leak resurfaces - i dont want to lose 3/4 of my oil on the side of the highway again. why the fuck is this goddam blog eating some letters while i'm writing it??!! grr.
well - les'go'n'git to it... :0
feeling slightly apprehensive about making sure the #1 piston is at TDC, taking off the left engine mount while making sure the engine is supported by "something" from underneath that at the same time wont damage the oil pan, then discombobulating ebryting on the LHS of the engine - including all the pulleys and timing belt cover, which will include using the mysterious chain wrench to hold the crankshaft pulley while i loosen the bolt that holds it in place - all the while making sure i dont actually move the cranshaft from TDC, taking the timing belt off - to finally get to take out the water pump which i *think* is where my water leak is at. then put on the new timing belt, re-combobulate ebryting and hope to hell it all works afterwards. THEN i'll see if the elusive oil leak resurfaces - i dont want to lose 3/4 of my oil on the side of the highway again. why the fuck is this goddam blog eating some letters while i'm writing it??!! grr.
well - les'go'n'git to it... :0
Sunday, August 22, 2004
man - its like 11pm - life sux - my gf is on a downer again, unsure of our relationship, went for icecream with a neighbour back home with whom she almost got in a relationship back in the day. i guess i have doubts about us too, but its always harder to be dumped than to dump, sucks not to be in control. plus i'm tired so everything sucks that much extra.
my gf just came back online - guess i'm gonna talk to her.
talking to my gf right now - sounds like the icecream with neighbour didnt go too well...
oh - icecream and movie was fine - but then he said he was going to sleep cause he was tired, and so she left and then a bit later he drove off in his car somewhere - didnt feel like sleeping anymore? maybe.
anywho - my gf is sounding much more positive and sounds more committed to our relationship again. i hate rollercoasters like this. maybe one day we will have to finally decide that our respective ways of living are unacceptable in some way to one another. well, i hope we could remain friends - but that happens so rarely. but i do care for her a lot and want to be there to help when she needs it.
today was such a wasted day. yesterday i went to my boss' barbecue - many hours and vodka shooters later i must have passed out in the bathroom after puking my guts out. and i guess the boss and probably one of the senior tech's must have carried me back to the living room to the couch. yup - that surely must have won me their respect and admiration.
oh well - live and learn.
so today was spent mostly on recuperating from yesterday. i watched most of the 5th element - which i'd bought recently. and read all of my gf's blog for the month.
well - time to get going - i wanna sleep at my gf's place in new west - i should probably still do the dishes there, like i said i would. we'll see.
my gf just came back online - guess i'm gonna talk to her.
talking to my gf right now - sounds like the icecream with neighbour didnt go too well...
oh - icecream and movie was fine - but then he said he was going to sleep cause he was tired, and so she left and then a bit later he drove off in his car somewhere - didnt feel like sleeping anymore? maybe.
anywho - my gf is sounding much more positive and sounds more committed to our relationship again. i hate rollercoasters like this. maybe one day we will have to finally decide that our respective ways of living are unacceptable in some way to one another. well, i hope we could remain friends - but that happens so rarely. but i do care for her a lot and want to be there to help when she needs it.
today was such a wasted day. yesterday i went to my boss' barbecue - many hours and vodka shooters later i must have passed out in the bathroom after puking my guts out. and i guess the boss and probably one of the senior tech's must have carried me back to the living room to the couch. yup - that surely must have won me their respect and admiration.
oh well - live and learn.
so today was spent mostly on recuperating from yesterday. i watched most of the 5th element - which i'd bought recently. and read all of my gf's blog for the month.
well - time to get going - i wanna sleep at my gf's place in new west - i should probably still do the dishes there, like i said i would. we'll see.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
ideas from like 1999... :O
an ellipse is just a distorted circle (and vice versa), but together with a square and a triangle, they're all "outlines", so what? why are these "the basic geometrical shapes", who thought of them first, and are they in some way universal to humans? if these ideas of geometrical shapes were never introduced into a society, how would they evolve? what would their thinking process be like? would they come up with this shit on their own? who would? any particular type of people? i'd love to find out how humans learned of geometrical shapes. they dont seem to really occur in nature. never seen a triangle or a square. i think there's some hexagonal column looking rocks out there - this certain type of rock cools into shapes like that when cooling from a liqid state or something. but i dont think there's even a circle out there in nature. actually - the sun and the moon...
a sine wave is a circle but with time passing forward ? a circle is a sine wave when time moves back and forth. the time must go forth only by as much as the amplitude (height) of the sine wave, and back as soon as the wave reaches the level of origin. forth again when the the time of origin is reached. would it work the same if the point of origin was not "on the left"? (up, down?) an "infinity" shape (8) would be reached when time starts from it's own centre and then backs up by it's radius. circular time? how do you move time? how do you move space? you don't - you move within it. can we go any direction in space? if so, why not in time? maybe we do. who said we're moving foreward in time? maybe it's relative. just why did we think it's foreward? maybe one of our properties is to move like this and that in time and space? what if other beings moved like this and that in time, but not in sapce? or some limited way in time but not in space at all, or just "foreward" in space. how do you meet somebody that travels back in time? depends, maybe at what speed theyre going. maybe not - maybe u'd only exist "at the same time" for such an infinitessimally short period of time that u'd never see them... i can imagine speed in space and time, just like distance, but what about direction? seems infinite w/ space, but bi-directional in time. for me.
any ideas? comments?
if god exists, then does he use the decimal system? as implied by the 10 commandments...
or was the decimal system created because since god gave us 10 commandments then that number - like everything else of god - must be perfect. why do we put a punctuation mark in math after 3 digits? why not aftre 4 or 2 or whatev?
have the hebrews been using the decimal system at the time of the emergence of the 10 commandments?
a sine wave is a circle but with time passing forward ? a circle is a sine wave when time moves back and forth. the time must go forth only by as much as the amplitude (height) of the sine wave, and back as soon as the wave reaches the level of origin. forth again when the the time of origin is reached. would it work the same if the point of origin was not "on the left"? (up, down?) an "infinity" shape (8) would be reached when time starts from it's own centre and then backs up by it's radius. circular time? how do you move time? how do you move space? you don't - you move within it. can we go any direction in space? if so, why not in time? maybe we do. who said we're moving foreward in time? maybe it's relative. just why did we think it's foreward? maybe one of our properties is to move like this and that in time and space? what if other beings moved like this and that in time, but not in sapce? or some limited way in time but not in space at all, or just "foreward" in space. how do you meet somebody that travels back in time? depends, maybe at what speed theyre going. maybe not - maybe u'd only exist "at the same time" for such an infinitessimally short period of time that u'd never see them... i can imagine speed in space and time, just like distance, but what about direction? seems infinite w/ space, but bi-directional in time. for me.
any ideas? comments?
if god exists, then does he use the decimal system? as implied by the 10 commandments...
or was the decimal system created because since god gave us 10 commandments then that number - like everything else of god - must be perfect. why do we put a punctuation mark in math after 3 digits? why not aftre 4 or 2 or whatev?
have the hebrews been using the decimal system at the time of the emergence of the 10 commandments?
first blog for tommy! :D
i read some of my gf's bloggage and i've finally decided to go nike on its booty and just do it! :)
i plan to post a crapload of "stuff" i'd written in the past but never had the patience to actually build a website or nuthin'.
La-Z :(
its not a sin - its a friggin' horrible affliction - it makes life suck; it's the stuff nightmares are made of
thank you
i plan to post a crapload of "stuff" i'd written in the past but never had the patience to actually build a website or nuthin'.
La-Z :(
its not a sin - its a friggin' horrible affliction - it makes life suck; it's the stuff nightmares are made of
thank you
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