Monday, July 15, 2002
I wonder: it sorta seems to me like Jesus was right after all, and I mean completely, in the most pure way: should we reject ALL violence, or just all anger etc? if violence were rejected, it would be possible for all people practicing this to be killed if someone really tried. hmm - what then. A brute force u cannot reason with. But would it happen? Or would those not practicing but still normal be moved to defend those attacked? What about tibet? What about all those easily brain-washed, stupid, materialistic "spencers"? so is there no way to achieve world peace and peace for all people so that no one hates, no one hurts? But for example if I choose to at least try and love my neighbour, even if he fucks me over, then perhaps that means that I wont perpetuate the injustice, violence? B/c in the "human" way, its almost expected to try and win or get some kinda revenge (translates to WIN anyways). But then this person will be hurt and they'll be hurting others or back at you. So maybe non-aggressive behaviour? If I could get myself to understand and accept that someone hurt me b/c they're lesser than me, or maybe not lesser but just simple, human, then perhaps I wouldn't be hurting? And then if I don't feel pain then I wont try to get some kinda revenge? But to be the devil's advocate: how will the asshole ever learn? Hehe - is it genetic, so that they cannot learn? What then? Selective killing? DNA manipulation? Maybe ppl can learn to channel their aggression and all other emotions in constructive ways. Perhaps it seems high-winded or whatev, farfetched, sci-fi like, but whats the alternative? Perpetuating this "humanity"? this "civilization"? I wonder if we can transcend this, get past this. How many of us can? It feels like theres something to be said for genes, like some ppl wont be able to learn or become good, so that the whole world can be good. Maybe by now this sounds like too much something granol-ish/christian. If that's a problem for some ppl to even listen to the idea, what if it were presented in scientific terms? Still - I don't think even half the ppl would actually assume this way of life. And I'm talking western world here - not to even mention all the countries etc where all ppl know is hate and mistrust etc. how do u get them to break thru their barriers? Perhaps for some this would be easier, but I donno if many. But it perhaps is something to at least give a few shots at. Start thinking about this. So whats rejectable and whats ok? But if there's a will there just might be a way. Just b/c its easier for us to come up w/ reasons against this, just because of the world we've been brought up in, doesn't mean that there isnt a myriad of reasons FOR it, reasons that don't jump right at you because that's not the way we've been taught to think most our lives.
Thursday, May 02, 2002
musings - patterns, etc.
And now, coming to u live, from hotbox central itself, tomex brain presents a show the critics would rage about - if they ever found out about it... :)
- it's... PATTERNS! :)
Ya, sa patterns in the universe. Patterns are "happenings" or events that are somehow distinguishable from the uncountable other "events" happening all the time. The vast majority of them are so minute in magnitude, duration, mass or whatever other values it might possibly be measured in or that u can think of that they indeed do form what we so inaptly call "the fabric of time". And space :) Whatever values might "this" be measured in :) Perhaps it is the "bunches" of these events at the same time, space or whatever other value blah blah blah... so these bunches (numbers) of events, or perhaps just their sheer "magnitude" makes them noticeable to us as "patterns". To us, a pattern is something repeating. I imagine it as a wave. Just floating thru space. No beginning, no end, no time - just wave :) Such a pattern can then be identified as a radio wave, sound wave, light, then matter...? Then there's the bahaviour. Which is what brought me here, to this computer tonight in the first place :) Behaviour could be just another "wave" or pattern. We often think, or at least I did until recently, of behaviour as a means for survival. Competing behaviours would surface and the ones that would be the most practical in the given environment would often or at least sometimes permit the specimen to survive, and so in a looo0ng time there would be more specimens like this one among his species, eventually perhaps replacing the "old model" completely :) Behaviours that would not facilitate the survival of the specimen would not resurface easily in the species, as they would not promote the survival of the specimen until and thru its period of life when it can procreate best. Even more instantly doomed would be the behaviour that would work against the life/survival of its "host"/specimen. But then we of course should also start talking magnitude and interconnectivity/ interdependence. If a behaviour would be relatively insignificant in magnitude as compared to a "winner" behaviour that would be happening at the same time, then the "not-so-good" behaviour will now have a chance of survival inside the host, thanks to the "super-behaviour" - ta, ta da da!!! :) Another "dramatic" twist would be a bahaviour that would have bad effects, which are bad because they're bad (:D), but it would actually play a key role in the creation/maintenance of another, "winner" behaviour. So that without this loser behaviour the present winner behaviour would not survive, sending all the members of its host species to certain death and extinction... :) Of course until the next real key winner of a behaviour comes along to fill the position with the same or better effect and less cost - efficency is sometimes key, and in this crazy and chaotic universe of ours its always better to be safe than sorry, esp when u got something as important to worry about as the survival of a whole species - this is a whole institution, no, a way of life (!) we're talking about here! :) Then this new hot-shot of a behaviour would just put the old-man behaviour into retirement, taking his job. Isn't this also happening to our world - production/work wise? Production, competition, efficiency! Work more for less and being replaced constantly by newer, better models :) it's a big antfarm - that's all. The guys at the top think they're the shit, that they're runing the show. Just like the ant on top of the antfarm. But really, u have the antarm in a box in ur room. U control when the sun rises in it and when it sets, when they have food and water and when they don't. when natural disasters strike...But then the box was manufactured by some other company, that probably both ur parents work for, and that owns the bank that owns the mortgage to ur house. Whose in an ant farm now, huh? Or maybe a rat maze :) but the task is perhaps more complicated looking, or even just simply different - its not find the cheeze, its LIFE! :) (batteries not included) But then the banks, financial corporations, companies, governments - they're just different "manifestations" of behaviours or patterns - that's the way the're made. For example the institution of "the military" is perhaps but a pattern somehow made up of the effect of having a collective of such and such behaviours occuring in their hosts, which were perhaps formed by yet other patterns, or patterns of emotions, occurrences, events, or whole matrices thereof that happened in their pasts. So these men that behave somehow similar enough that they form an organization - or something that was able to mutate into one. But it might not only be the "nurture" that's at work here, in the formatorium of behaviours - I think nature works here as well :) out bodies, our cells - all patterns of pattrens of patterns... where does it end? doesn't seem like theres an answer to that - or at least not one we'd understand. So perhaps egocentrism is the way to go, or at least to start? U start to explore from urself - u have at least that as a point of reference. Everything can be but in reference to u - all that is u: ur physical location, the time ur occupying, ur body, size, gender, ur own knowledge and behaviours. Later u learn to see things in reference to others (some ppl never seem to learn tho...:D). So where was I trying to lead to - ya, something that goes like this: life, no, scrap life, the unvierse - the way it is, exists, is but a bunch of patterns, and patterns of patterns, etc. it is not the survival of the fittest - its just that we see survival as winning, or whatever - something positive, because (I think this is a loop) - a bunch of behaviours came upon a species, behaviours that had to be made possible firstly by their genetic material, and secondly by their surroundings. The "medium" they existed in, their "world". Some of this bunch of behaviours made their hosts survive relatively longer and better than the rest. And so they outbred and outlived them. Now that "looks" like a behaviour or pattern or something has survived, outlasted, won - against the other ones. But the fact of the matter is that the behaviours are not conscious and did not make a decision wheteher to occur or not. They just did. And that had the effect of some of them making the host live and what we call "thrive". its an illusion. These hosts living longer and perhaps later "instead" of the other ones - all this survival of the fittest is nothing more than just another pattern - a happening, an event... there's no success or failure to it - one species survives, the other dies - its just an event, devoid of any "emotion" or real value. And perhaps when the events that "allow" this universe to exist will cease to exist or change into something else, their effect as well will cease to exist, or will change. Patterns and patterns upon patterns of patterns - a whole sea of them, a whole universe! :)
Hope u had fun - I was amused by putting in some funny stuff in there (hehe - or at least funny to me:D) ok - later! :)
Wlasnie mialem pomysl: zamiast sie rozpisywac and be concerned w/ style, etc, - what a lot of today's people (w/ short attention span or very little time) seem to want, is very condensed and to-the-point news/info. Why not grab their attention w/ headline type deals, then below have short, super-condensed paragraphs w/ just the most vital info on each headline, and then underneath all of those, have even more expanded paragraphs. NO REPEATED INFO though!!!An idea might be to perhaps have some words/ideas hyper-linked to more/other paragraphs, so that u could choose exactly which tangents (?) of the info u want to explore, allowing to go even to the point of being able to read the references themselves and the works cited, and being able to read the paragraphs of the works cited and even the whole books, articles whatever :)
Cool theory:If there was a different universe for every single possibility, then there would be a great number of them. :)Travel into the past poses the paradox of killing urself when u were younger, which, if u were connected to ur past, would reach u and nullify ur time travel in the first place, therefore restoring life to ur younger self. so, would u be stuck forever at the moment when ur trying to kill ur younger self? Would something like that be the end of ur particular universe? It would not be possible for that reality to advance anymore. A dead end.Unless it were possible that changing ur past would NOT affect u in the future at all. How would that be possible?Perhaps if we consider that we're living in one of almost infinite number of universes. Paralel universes? Perhaps looking at time and space as moving thru time and space (esp time) in a linear fashion is not the way. What if "reality" which we "move/travel" in, is "carving" out a "path" as it were. Or maybe a better explanation would be that "our" reality thru time is just a "path" carved in a vast matrix of possible "paths". A sea of possibilities.Hmm. I wanted to try and describe the possibility of traveling thru "the sea of possibilities" but in a scenario where each possible universe is like a layer or island, but they're all caked on top of one another and where u "travel" and by ur actions u make a worm-like tunnel thru this cake of "parallel" universes. "Tunnel" seems like an appropriate word because we need a "path", something elongated, to illustrate the passage of time. Too bad human imagination is so limited :(So then it would be interesting if u were to travel back in time (and space to if desired/possible), making ur own tunnel of life/experience/reality sort of loop back... but perhaps if not thinking so linearly, ud go back to the time but trying to go to the same space, u'd start carving another path from that point in time (and space?), but thru different "universes" or possibilities. It would be a new thing because now "u from the future" would be in it. As opposed to ur original one. So that would mean that its not possible to return to ur own past, at least not exactly the same one, b/c as soon as u'd try to enter it, u'd be creating another "possibility". This is just "a" model, something I think is possible, but who knows what experience will show is the real deal. Hehe - or which path of possibility we'll go thru :)
- it's... PATTERNS! :)
Ya, sa patterns in the universe. Patterns are "happenings" or events that are somehow distinguishable from the uncountable other "events" happening all the time. The vast majority of them are so minute in magnitude, duration, mass or whatever other values it might possibly be measured in or that u can think of that they indeed do form what we so inaptly call "the fabric of time". And space :) Whatever values might "this" be measured in :) Perhaps it is the "bunches" of these events at the same time, space or whatever other value blah blah blah... so these bunches (numbers) of events, or perhaps just their sheer "magnitude" makes them noticeable to us as "patterns". To us, a pattern is something repeating. I imagine it as a wave. Just floating thru space. No beginning, no end, no time - just wave :) Such a pattern can then be identified as a radio wave, sound wave, light, then matter...? Then there's the bahaviour. Which is what brought me here, to this computer tonight in the first place :) Behaviour could be just another "wave" or pattern. We often think, or at least I did until recently, of behaviour as a means for survival. Competing behaviours would surface and the ones that would be the most practical in the given environment would often or at least sometimes permit the specimen to survive, and so in a looo0ng time there would be more specimens like this one among his species, eventually perhaps replacing the "old model" completely :) Behaviours that would not facilitate the survival of the specimen would not resurface easily in the species, as they would not promote the survival of the specimen until and thru its period of life when it can procreate best. Even more instantly doomed would be the behaviour that would work against the life/survival of its "host"/specimen. But then we of course should also start talking magnitude and interconnectivity/ interdependence. If a behaviour would be relatively insignificant in magnitude as compared to a "winner" behaviour that would be happening at the same time, then the "not-so-good" behaviour will now have a chance of survival inside the host, thanks to the "super-behaviour" - ta, ta da da!!! :) Another "dramatic" twist would be a bahaviour that would have bad effects, which are bad because they're bad (:D), but it would actually play a key role in the creation/maintenance of another, "winner" behaviour. So that without this loser behaviour the present winner behaviour would not survive, sending all the members of its host species to certain death and extinction... :) Of course until the next real key winner of a behaviour comes along to fill the position with the same or better effect and less cost - efficency is sometimes key, and in this crazy and chaotic universe of ours its always better to be safe than sorry, esp when u got something as important to worry about as the survival of a whole species - this is a whole institution, no, a way of life (!) we're talking about here! :) Then this new hot-shot of a behaviour would just put the old-man behaviour into retirement, taking his job. Isn't this also happening to our world - production/work wise? Production, competition, efficiency! Work more for less and being replaced constantly by newer, better models :) it's a big antfarm - that's all. The guys at the top think they're the shit, that they're runing the show. Just like the ant on top of the antfarm. But really, u have the antarm in a box in ur room. U control when the sun rises in it and when it sets, when they have food and water and when they don't. when natural disasters strike...But then the box was manufactured by some other company, that probably both ur parents work for, and that owns the bank that owns the mortgage to ur house. Whose in an ant farm now, huh? Or maybe a rat maze :) but the task is perhaps more complicated looking, or even just simply different - its not find the cheeze, its LIFE! :) (batteries not included) But then the banks, financial corporations, companies, governments - they're just different "manifestations" of behaviours or patterns - that's the way the're made. For example the institution of "the military" is perhaps but a pattern somehow made up of the effect of having a collective of such and such behaviours occuring in their hosts, which were perhaps formed by yet other patterns, or patterns of emotions, occurrences, events, or whole matrices thereof that happened in their pasts. So these men that behave somehow similar enough that they form an organization - or something that was able to mutate into one. But it might not only be the "nurture" that's at work here, in the formatorium of behaviours - I think nature works here as well :) out bodies, our cells - all patterns of pattrens of patterns... where does it end? doesn't seem like theres an answer to that - or at least not one we'd understand. So perhaps egocentrism is the way to go, or at least to start? U start to explore from urself - u have at least that as a point of reference. Everything can be but in reference to u - all that is u: ur physical location, the time ur occupying, ur body, size, gender, ur own knowledge and behaviours. Later u learn to see things in reference to others (some ppl never seem to learn tho...:D). So where was I trying to lead to - ya, something that goes like this: life, no, scrap life, the unvierse - the way it is, exists, is but a bunch of patterns, and patterns of patterns, etc. it is not the survival of the fittest - its just that we see survival as winning, or whatever - something positive, because (I think this is a loop) - a bunch of behaviours came upon a species, behaviours that had to be made possible firstly by their genetic material, and secondly by their surroundings. The "medium" they existed in, their "world". Some of this bunch of behaviours made their hosts survive relatively longer and better than the rest. And so they outbred and outlived them. Now that "looks" like a behaviour or pattern or something has survived, outlasted, won - against the other ones. But the fact of the matter is that the behaviours are not conscious and did not make a decision wheteher to occur or not. They just did. And that had the effect of some of them making the host live and what we call "thrive". its an illusion. These hosts living longer and perhaps later "instead" of the other ones - all this survival of the fittest is nothing more than just another pattern - a happening, an event... there's no success or failure to it - one species survives, the other dies - its just an event, devoid of any "emotion" or real value. And perhaps when the events that "allow" this universe to exist will cease to exist or change into something else, their effect as well will cease to exist, or will change. Patterns and patterns upon patterns of patterns - a whole sea of them, a whole universe! :)
Hope u had fun - I was amused by putting in some funny stuff in there (hehe - or at least funny to me:D) ok - later! :)
Wlasnie mialem pomysl: zamiast sie rozpisywac and be concerned w/ style, etc, - what a lot of today's people (w/ short attention span or very little time) seem to want, is very condensed and to-the-point news/info. Why not grab their attention w/ headline type deals, then below have short, super-condensed paragraphs w/ just the most vital info on each headline, and then underneath all of those, have even more expanded paragraphs. NO REPEATED INFO though!!!An idea might be to perhaps have some words/ideas hyper-linked to more/other paragraphs, so that u could choose exactly which tangents (?) of the info u want to explore, allowing to go even to the point of being able to read the references themselves and the works cited, and being able to read the paragraphs of the works cited and even the whole books, articles whatever :)
Cool theory:If there was a different universe for every single possibility, then there would be a great number of them. :)Travel into the past poses the paradox of killing urself when u were younger, which, if u were connected to ur past, would reach u and nullify ur time travel in the first place, therefore restoring life to ur younger self. so, would u be stuck forever at the moment when ur trying to kill ur younger self? Would something like that be the end of ur particular universe? It would not be possible for that reality to advance anymore. A dead end.Unless it were possible that changing ur past would NOT affect u in the future at all. How would that be possible?Perhaps if we consider that we're living in one of almost infinite number of universes. Paralel universes? Perhaps looking at time and space as moving thru time and space (esp time) in a linear fashion is not the way. What if "reality" which we "move/travel" in, is "carving" out a "path" as it were. Or maybe a better explanation would be that "our" reality thru time is just a "path" carved in a vast matrix of possible "paths". A sea of possibilities.Hmm. I wanted to try and describe the possibility of traveling thru "the sea of possibilities" but in a scenario where each possible universe is like a layer or island, but they're all caked on top of one another and where u "travel" and by ur actions u make a worm-like tunnel thru this cake of "parallel" universes. "Tunnel" seems like an appropriate word because we need a "path", something elongated, to illustrate the passage of time. Too bad human imagination is so limited :(So then it would be interesting if u were to travel back in time (and space to if desired/possible), making ur own tunnel of life/experience/reality sort of loop back... but perhaps if not thinking so linearly, ud go back to the time but trying to go to the same space, u'd start carving another path from that point in time (and space?), but thru different "universes" or possibilities. It would be a new thing because now "u from the future" would be in it. As opposed to ur original one. So that would mean that its not possible to return to ur own past, at least not exactly the same one, b/c as soon as u'd try to enter it, u'd be creating another "possibility". This is just "a" model, something I think is possible, but who knows what experience will show is the real deal. Hehe - or which path of possibility we'll go thru :)
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